Recording Fees

Conveyance – Mortgage – UCC’s

Recording Requirements & Fees

RECORDING FEES – Effective August 1, 2017
Pursuant to R.S. 13:844 & R.S. 9:5217

Documents to be recorded in 1 index type (fees are assessed separately for each recording book):
1 to 5 pages  $110
6 to 25 pages $210
26 to 50 pages $310
51 or more pages $310 for the first 50 pages + $5 per additional pg.
This includes up to 10 names indexed and a certified copy.                                   

Repossession Notice $75
Index Fee after the 10th name $5 per name
Debtor Fee (No SS# CC 3352 & CCP 1922) $25 per debtor
Map attached larger than  8½”X14” $20 additional, per page
Cancellation/Partial Release (single cancellation) $60
Cancellation paraphed note with Request $60
Cancellation (document 1-5 pgs w/ multiple cancellations) $110
This includes up to 10 names indexed. $5 per name after the 10th name.
Maps/Plats oversize:
1 page + oversize charge $130
This includes up to 10 names indexed. $5 per name after the 10th name.
Mortgage Certificates:
1 name and 1 property $20
Each Additional Name $10
Each Additional Property $20
Each exception after 10 $1 each
Copies $1 per page
Conformed Copies  $5 + copy fee
Certified Copies  $10 + copy fee
Notary Fee $10


Document Requirements:

  • Be captioned as to type of act on first page
  • have a 2” margin on the top of 1st page
  • have a 1” margin on bottom and sides
  • must not have type size smaller than 8 point.

*$5 fee for LACRAA & $5 fee Police Jury building maintenance included

Use Cancellation Transaction                                                                      

Cancellation by Financial Institution LRS 44:109B or LRS 9:5172

Cancellations of MIMs and Request LRS 44:106 or LRS 9:5169 + CC 3366

Release of Judgment and Request LRS 44:106 or LRS 9:5169 + CC 3366

Original Paraphed Note attached to Request LRS 44:107 or LRS 9:5170 + CC 3366            

Release of Judgment LRS 44:106 or LRS 9:5169 + CC 3366

Aff. Prescribed Reinscribed Judgment + CC 3368 + CC 3366

Cancellation of Lien by La. Revenue & Taxation and Request LRS 44:106 or LRS 9:5169 + CC 3366

Aff. by Title Insurance and Request LRS 9:5167.1 + CC 3366

Aff. by Closing Agent and Request LRS 9:5167E + CC 3366

Aff. Prescribed Mortgage/Judgment/Lien + CC 3367

Exception: Cancellation of Lien by La. Dept. of Labor LRS 23:1546  Collect Recordation & Cancellation Fees + court costs (if any)

(updated 08/02/2017)